The following materials are here to provide support and education on comprehensive biomarker testing.
eNSCLC Overview Flashcard
Learn more about testing for ALK, EGFR, & PD-L1 and its impact on the eNSCLC treatment landscape.
Optimizing Tissue Preparation Flashcard
Learn best practices for biomarker tissue sample preparation that you can discuss with your team.
NGS Comprehensive Biomarker Testing Flashcard
Learn about the advantages and available options for comprehensive biomarker testing with next-generation sequencing (NGS) in mNSCLC.
NGS Insurance Coverage Flashcard
Understand key considerations for NGS coverage so that you can ask the right questions.
Breast Sample Preparation Flashcard
Learn how to optimize your tissue sample preparation for more reliable biomarker testing results.
Patient Testing Journey Tracker
Print this sheet to help your practice track a patient's biomarker testing journey.
Breast HER2 Scoring Guidelines and Considerations Flashcard
Understand the 2018 ASCO/CAP guidelines for HER2 scoring and what they might mean for your practice.
Patient Video Guide on Breast Pathology Reports
Share this flashcard with a built-in QR code to help your patients understand their breast pathology reports via an educational video series.
Discussing the Importance of Biomarker Testing With Your Care Team
Hear KOLs educate a multidisciplinary team on the importance of biomarker testing, NGS adoption in lung cancer, and overcoming various barriers to broader utilization of biomarker testing.
My Care Roadmap
Discover a simple way to explain biomarker testing to your patients.
eNSCLC=early-stage non-small cell lung cancer; KOL=key opinion leader; mNSCLC=metastatic non-small cell lung cancer; NGS=next-generation sequencing; PD-L1=programmed death-ligand 1.
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